Drainage Contractor

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LICA’S VIEW: Moving forward together

Key projects are moving forward, but there are always more opportunities to get involved.

May 16, 2022  By Bob Clark II

The Cantigny Golf Course, named after the crucial Battle of Cantigny, will be the site of LICA’s upcoming charity golf tournament. Image courtesy of Bob Clark II.

The past several months has been a very busy time for the Land Improvement Contractors of America (LICA).

The new LICA Educational Foundation for Veterans staff has been working diligently to advance the foundation’s mission. Earlier this year we submitted a grant application to help fund the foundation. We will know later this summer if application was accepted for funding. So, we are keeping our fingers crossed and will let you how more in the next publication of Drainage Contractor.

In the meantime, the foundation is quickly approaching its first official fundraising event: a golf outing on May 2, 2022, at the Cantigny Golf Course in Wheaton, IL. At this time, there is likely still room for more participants and sponsorships, if anyone is interested. More information is available at licaveteransfoundation.org.

The golf course was named after the important Allied victory in Battle of Cantigny in 1918 during WW1 in France, so it only seems appropriate to hold our first golf outing there. I want to thank all those who have signed up and sponsored this event, as well as those who helped organize the event. I also would like to thank Drainage Contractor magazine for all its support. Working together we can accomplish the mission of the foundation and help train veterans to become skilled equipment operators.


Another important project LICA continues to work on with ADMC, NACD and the NRCS is the pilot project through NRCS. It will hopefully improve certain conservation practices’ implementation and adaptation metrics. Drainage water management is very relevant to many land improvement contractors across the county. The goal of the pilot project is to simplify and expedite the funding and approval process for the benefit of contractor, the grower and the environment – three big wins! It is a work in progress and LICA will continue to keep all interested parties updated.

Looking ahead to warmer months, LICA’s upcoming summer convention will be in St. Charles, MO on July 12 to 16, 2022, at the Ameristar Casino Resort and Spa. There will be things to do with the entire family, so we are expecting another great turn out and convention. Hope to see you there! Speaking of events, can you believe Con-Expo 2023 is just around the corner? Good news: LICA is already in the planning process.

Lastly, I want to thank all the LICA members, associate members, executive directors, and state and national officers across the country who continue to support this organization with their time, talent and treasure. We could not do this without your support. DC

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